Not that I'm a drinking man... but with this summers heat, and if you take in to account those of us that have experienced in the past, a broken heart or two (yes, Mr Spock I mean you)... I just might abide.
"There Stands the Glass" is one of those great drinking and blues songs by Van Morrison. Yup! 'Van the Man' as his friends and those that peek at his bio on Wikipedia call him.. really knows how to sing the hurt out... then ask for a drink to sooth his pains.
You can't help but put a bit of a sorrowful crack in your voice when you sing this... no you can't.
Our handout (up early), "Uke info and self-tuning" is all about getting to know the parts of you ukulele... and how to tune it, when you lose that chromatic tuner. And you will.
Our next WikiWiki is the coming Sunday August 19th. Remember doors open at 1pm... we start strummn' at 1:30.
Added note: If our summer holds out a bit longer... come join us on Alki for a Jam on September 2nd.
Here's the links you need to see it all:
WikiWiki front page
Ballard Wiki info page
Here's where you go to get the download for this month
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