Thursday, July 7, 2011

West Seattle Beach Party was a success.

One never knows what's going to happen when you name a date and say 'let's get together and play some ukulele'. But I learned one can claim success when you have a bunch of supportive friends and a few crazy ones to add to the pile. Between 7 or 8, maybe 9 ukers showed up, I don't know the real numbers... as one left, two others would show up.

With out a doubt two of the more crazy were Tyler (inset) and Rob who pulled up to Anchor Park (Alki Beach) in their Zodiac, all the way from Shilshole Marina to join us. Sad for them they showed up right as we were ending up at 3pm.... but lucky for me they still wanted to play... I had to stay. They were late because one of them, I won't say who, left the launching wheels down... what a drag. lol

Thank you all for showing up... thanks Gregg for a great Bass uke to follow and for your unexpected singing.... which reminds me that I need singing lessons and soon.

Mahalo to you all.

NOTE: The next West Seattle Beach Jam is scheduled the same day as the SUPA picnic at Woodland Park, August 7th . I hate to take this away from Alki, as we just started and we have only so few summer months/weekends). But....

....we will join our ukulele family and enjoy the bigger event. I encourage all my WikiWiki players to come to Woodland Park and join in the good food and ukelele sounds August 7th.

July is full of 'Moonglow'

Now that the fireworks are over... there's plenty of time to look up into our dark nights, with someone you love while you grab your trusty ukulele and sing about the 'Moonglow'.

This is an ol' Billie Holliday number and if you want to jazz it up listen to her on YouTube. But I slowed it down and let Mr. Rod Stewart sing it for you. I think it's best slow and moody.

The cord names may be a bit daunting with all the D13ths, G6's or flated 9's. But they really are forms of shapes most of you have played before. Get that awesome riff down and you won't want to stop.

As always, you will find it on our websites download page.

See you all on the 17th.