Good News..
It's time for the new songs. For October we have two fun songs --
'Hidden In The Sand' -
A Tally hall song I fell in love with when I heard Molly Lewis (aka Sweetafton23) of YouTube fame sing it in her special way. This song is only 4 very easy barre chords. You'll love it, it's so easy. And we'll play it along with Molly as she sings it for us.
'Sweet Someone' -
This is our hapa haole song for the month... I call this the ultimate sweet love song. I found a vid of Bill Tapia doing a solo so we can all join in.
You'll find these new songs and all the other song sheets/books on our download page.... Take a Look!.
Now for the Better News...
The UketoberFest is just around the corner. October 15-16 in Eugene Oregon.
Is it worth the drive, the sleeping in a strange bed, the jamming all night till way past mid-night and then getting up the next day for an 8 am workshop... by James Hill, or Del Rey, or Gerald Ross, or Craig Chee or several others? You bet your Kamaka it is, believe me this is one of the best Ukefests on this coast.
Any level player can find something of interest here. I encourage you to join me at the UketoberFest in Eugene... and yes I will be driving back Saturday night or Sunday morning to be at my WikiWiki @ Ballard Sunday. I may be tired, but I will be there.
Here's a link to the UketoberFest web site.
Enjoy and keep on uke'n
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